Gotcha 6

Time flies doesn’t it? Here I am celebrating being Tex Saunders for six whole years now. Six years it only seems like yesterday that I arrived! This year the timing was quite good because, in celebration of this landmark event, the powers that be declared a double bank holiday so I got to celebrate with a lovely long walk. Mum did mention that it was also Easter but I like to think it was all for me J

Being creatures of habit mum and dad decided that we should head to the river bank for our walk, so we went in the car to Benson. In our house Benson is known as officially the coldest place on earth. I’m not sure that’s totally correct but if it feels cold where you are then you can guarantee it will be colder in Benson!

Anyway, it wasn’t cold, it was actually very pleasant when we went for our walk. We had to go on Friday because the rest of the weekend weather was planned to be rubbish, so this spurred us on and we were not disappointed. I was very excited because apparently we were going out for lunch. This is good because I don’t usually get taken out for lunch, actually I don’t usually get lunch. In the end it seemed I had misinterpreted the plan, I wasn’t going to get lunch but the humans were!

So we set off and walked to Wallingford. We met lots of dogs along the path some of whom were very very small and the health and safety genes in me classed them as a trip hazard! We also met a long haired pointer who was deemed to be very handsome – jealous – not me!

We found a rather ‘interesting’ pub for lunch. I liked it but it was quite ‘basic’! Never mind the humans were fed and watered and so we set off back to Benson.

I was feeling quite energetic on the way back (despite the lack of any kind of lunch) and I did a lot of scampering, not bad for an eight year old! Mum and dad tried to get me to sit on the bench but I didn’t quite ‘get’ that because it seemed like furniture to me and I’m not allowed in furniture so I just jumped over it, several times, maybe I should take up agility after all!

Anyway it seems they wanted me to pose for a few photos so I did oblige by sitting on the bench and looking as handsome as I could.

I had quite a few photos taken I think they must have quite a lot of photos of me over the six years, the camera is often out on walks. After a bit more walking and a few paddles in the Thames we were nearly back at the car.

Here I am back at Benson lock posing again, this time with mum.

And the day was perfected by me finding this fluorescent little beauty.

Sadly, despite it being hi-viz, I was not able to locate it when I got home, I think it may not have made it into the car. Oh well it will be some other dog’s find, you lose some you find some, that’s the way the ball market rolls(!) in the dog world don’t you know?

It was a lovely trip out and I am glad we could celebrate my 6 year anniversary in style. This was me when I got home, rounding off my day with a little snooze, (actually this is how I round off most days).

So there we go another year as Tex Saunders, I think we all rub along quite well together so I will stay for a bit longer.

I believe the holidays allocated to this important occasion apply to everyone. So I will also say Happy Easter to all my readers. Hope you have a relaxing break and haven’t eaten too many chocolate eggs – yet!

