There no business like snow business…

I wish I understood humans 😕

We get to this time of year and the story is always the same. This stuff called snow turns up, everything turns white, the country turns to pot* and I get turned out into the garden!

As soon as there is a covering of this COLD white stuff, mum and dad put on multiple layers of warm clothing and we all go out. Please note the omission – I don’t get to put on multiple layers of warm clothing – oh no not even as much as a pair of boots for me! No in just my bare paws I’m expected to go out and entertain them. Oh well it’s what I do best and entertain them I did.

It wasn’t such a hardship really, we’ve had a few nice days playing with snowballs, watching dad trying (and failing) to build a snowdog and chasing other four legged friends around in the snow. I thought you’d like to see some pictures of me suffering for my humans in the snow.

  • Me with my ‘snow ball’

  • Being watched by little Willa rabbit (Pippin rabbit stayed in the warm)

  • Walk in the local snowy woods

  • Snowy me

All in all it wasn’t too bad and I confess I did have fun. The upside of all this cold weather is that dad keeps the log burner going and I have fast learned to become a hearth dog. So much so that dad has had to refresh his ‘dog flipping’ skills (originally gained when ‘flipping’ a previous houseguest was necessary) to make sure I toast each side evenly ❗

Anyway, not much else to tell as we’ve been very much staying at home with the snow around (see the humans have gone to pot* too!)

I hope you’re no too snowbound where you are dear readers.

Take care – it’s all downhill to summer now :mrgreen:



*- when I say turned to pot I mean as in a shambles, clearly NOT anything else, that would be bad news for a whole country, let alone the humans 🙂

On the road again…

Well I may be exaggerating a bit as really I don’t often go on my travels. Even my holidays usually only involve a trip to the other side of Wokingham.

However on this occasion I really did go on a journey. Your see my bag was packed and in this case Meerkat was to be my travelling companion. I also had my bed, my food, my treats, a specific number of little black bags (you know, yes you know… think about it!) some tennis balls, my chucker, my new rope/ball toy, a blanket, some towels, a food bowl and two leads (one flexi one not). That was just for one night – well a dog has to have his home comforts (well this one does!). Anyway here is Meerkat ready to go…

Now I would debate this point but mum and dad swear blind they told me we would be in the car for a while. Either I didn’t hear (blah, blah, blah, Tex blah, blah, blah) or because the sentence didn’t include the trigger words ‘biscuit’ or ‘chewy treat’ I chose not to listen. I’m not really sure what happened. Whichever, the result was, convinced we would be at the park at any minute I sat bolt upright in the back of the car for the whole of the two hour journey. The outcomes…

1) I am now familiar with the detail of most of the route from home to Nottingham

2) I have learned that 2 hours sitting in a car gives Tex a numb bum!

Anyway we got there…

It was worth it because we were visiting granddad Bob’s house and I was most welcome. In fact I think he’d quite like me to stay really 🙂

Having made it all the way to Nottingham we went for a walk, would you believe it, by a river! As if I don’t see enough of these things!!! Apparently this was the River Trent – seen one, seen ’em all. I was musing on whether any of the water in the Trent had at some point been in the Thames. Hmmm one to pontificate on another day I think! Back to the plot, which was my walk. Just to prove the point here I am.

So apart from giving me a numb bum what was the purpose of our trip to Nottingham? Well it seems mum’s brother (that’s uncle Simon to me :mrgreen: ) was having a party in honour of him reaching a significant age (that would be 50 – me, discrete, noooo). Parties, I like parties. Apparently I was invited but the powers that be deemed that with 9 humans already invited I might get in the way – moi, in the way – never. Anyway mum and dad decided I should stay home. I didn’t mind, I needed the sleep really – after all that ‘boot’ driving, (think back seat driver but further down the pecking order).

Here’s the birthday boy, look at that cake! (I am informed it was yummy – not that I got any – chocolate and all that 😕 )

That was the story of the first weekend in January – I am a bit behind with my blog. Just so you are totally up to date, last weekend was fairly quiet, just the normal stuff for me, walk, sleep, spudge, eat etc. Mum and dad went to see The Hobbit film in 3D. I wouldn’t have minded going but it seems I wasn’t invited AGAIN! In all honesty I confess I’m not a big Tolkien fan and I don’t think they make those special 3D glasses to fit a Labrador nose – so I stayed home and guess what I did – I slept – goodness I am good at that!

That’s about it – nothing else to report. I am watching out for snow because (despite the obvious Elf and Safety issues) I do like a bit of snow 🙂

I hope you are all well dear readers.



(ps – belated happy birthday Miss 🙂 )