Gotcha … 4

Well this week I reached another life milestone. I have now been the one and only Tex Saunders for 4 whole years. Yes 4 years ago last Monday was my Gotcha Day, the anniversary of when I gave up my last job and took up this one as a full time pet. I’m still here so I assume it’s going OK. I am enjoying it.  🙂

I thought that since I had reached such an auspicious date I should catch up on my blog because I am aware that I have been somewhat remiss and have not written anything for a while.

I have to say February was mainly a month of contemplation and reflection. I contemplated most things, my toys, my blanket, my paws you know the kind of thing.

I did spend some time considering whether I should build an ark as I witnessed a considerable amount of water fall from the sky for most of the month. Here I am investigating Ark options with the aid of a tennis ball




I started an Ark invitation list but by the time I had crossed off all the animals I didn’t want (cats, squirrels, spiders etc) I was pretty much only left with me and the two rabbits. None of us are really equipped to prolong our species so that wasn’t going to work. I did wonder if I should rethink my inclusion criteria but then the sun came out and I forgot about the Ark ❗

I did also consider a role as a wood turner after this ancient cedar tree blew down at the marina where Juneau lives (yes there is a small car in the middle of it).

Anyway I soon had to abandon those plans when I realised that my lathe skills are not up to much – in fact I don’t have any lathe skills…moving on…

Since then I have been kicking back and enjoying the daffodils. I have to say that, on the horticultural front, it’s been a poor season for the glove trees. They really need some snow and frost to produce a good bloom. The wet warm weather has set them back this year and as a result there have hardly been any glove flowers to be seen. It’s a shame but at least my paws weren’t freezing to death – I suppose that’s a benefit!

Overall it has been quite a quiet time but I did have some excitement this weekend because my granddad came down to see me. Well I’m not sure it was just to see me but I know I am quite an attraction.

I have to say a big thank you because he came equipped with a new tennis ball for me, which was really good. I rewarded him with a demonstration of actual swimming, not paddling, accidental falling in or tripping etc, a real doggy paddle swim. This is a skill I have only just decided to reveal to mum after 4 whole years. It’s so new to them that Dad hasn’t seen me swim yet. I should say I’m not a spontaneous swimmer, I need encouragement – well so would you, it’s March and the water is flipin cold. But nevertheless I did it – no arm bands or anything!  Anyway here we are posing for pictures at the lake.











So this weekend, by way of a thank you for my tennis ball, I took everyone to the pub in Henley for lunch on Sunday. I didn’t actually pay for the meal you realise (but then again I didn’t actually eat the meal either, so why should splash out of my Bonio fund?) But I did lead the way to my favourite eatery where they made me very welcome (I have to say no biscuits were forthcoming this time so I will have to mark it down a bit on this occasion). Anyway, after lunch we went for a nice walk by the river, here are a few pictures of me in the sunshine on my Gotcha eve.

So there we go, I’m hoping that things will hot up soon and I will have more stuff to blog about but all in all I think Mum is quite happy that there is nothing too dramatic going on in my life because she seems to equate drama with stress.

Overall life as Tex Saunders seems to be going quite well after 4 years and I will give it a bit more time yet. :mrgreen:

I hope you are well dear readers…

More soon  🙂


Tex Saunders (x4)